Insights are simple truths your business can leverage.
They’re not just laying around. Those you’d call surface-level ‘findings.’ Our job’s to go deeper so your team can see with new eyes—to inspire an understanding of customers that you haven’t seen before.
To get there, our insights are chiseled out, sculpted and polished with the right language and tone—and uniquely catered to your business.
some of our fans
Segmentations are only helpful if you understand them. Surprisingly, this is not the case for traditional research reports, of which are often loaded with generic data and consumer profiles.
We take pride in our ability to dive deep and bring to life a true, relatable representation of who your consumers really are. Our outputs are designed to be so intuitive and vividly designed so who you’ll cast in a campaign or design for feels like a real person you intimately know.
Consumer Segmentation & Persona Development
Consumer Journeys
There is a nugget of truth to ‘The Game of Life’. From our morning coffee order to what we binge watch, we make many intricate steps to form a decision.
Our job’s to map out that journey and highlight the moments your brand can most efficiently make the biggest impact in their perceptions and behaviors.
Semiotics: Understanding Consumer & Cultural Codes
Why do we believe that ‘white’ is the color of moisturizer, or that glass is more premium than plastic? Our world is filled with inherent beliefs that we don’t rationally think about–but there are truths in why we feel certain ways about things.
At Nimbly, we break down the scholarly approach of semiotics into something that is easy to understand and accessible to use for your business. We’ll help you understand the signs and symbols that can help strengthen your brand’s message and branding goals.
We apply a strategic approach to UX research. We’re not simply looking at A/B tests and click rates that, at best, inform marginal tweaks to optimize the experience.
We always start with who your customer is: their mindset, relationship to your category, and their goals of interacting with your product. With that understood, we can better explore the intuitiveness and frustrations in your experience that can lead to breakthrough changes.
Website & App UX

Sample Methodologies
Cultural & Consumer Exploration
Focus Groups
Digital Diaries
Expert Interviews
Cultural Safaris
Product Testing/Usability Testing